He doesn’t have to work too hard to retain his position as the world’s most popular fruit; our golden superhero is a great snack at any time of day, but can also be incorporated throughout your daily meals from breakfast to supper.

Here are some quick and easy ideas on how to get more bananas into your diet:

- Add chopped banana and a handful of blueberries to your porridge
- Bake them in the oven to make your own banana chips; just add a little lemon juice and cinnamon and bake for approximately 1½ hours at 200C, turning once
- Banana and berry pancakes make a fast and scrumptious breakfast treat
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are super-tasty and a favourite with children and adults alike
- Fresh smoothies or milkshakes are quick and delicious. Banana marries especially well with natural yoghurt and strawberries or raspberries. Or you can add a handful of oatmeal for a fibre boost
- Frozen bananas are a healthier alternative to ice cream and go down a treat with children and babies – especially when teething

- Barbequed bananas are super-easy as well as super-tasty with or without a chocolate centre!
- Vegan banana cream pie can be made by combining banana, coconut milk and crushed cashew nuts. Why add anything else?
- Due to their natural sweetness, no sugar or butter is required when making banana bread. Moorish, guilt-free heaven!
Try making your own ‘Chapo’ - a Peruvian drink, served warm, made by boiling banana or sweet plantain and blending with water, sugar and cinnamon
- Wean your baby on them. Bananas are the perfect first food for babies (at around 6 months of age). You can mash them and add some of babies’ usual milk or pop a whole piece into a ‘fresh food feeder’. What a fantastic introduction to the world of taste!